



Inspired by a real-life incident resembling the Windrush Scandal, this gripping drama delves into the life of Anthony McKay-Williams, who has spent an astounding 50 years in the UK. However, his world is turned upside down when he becomes a victim of wrongful detention by the Home Office, facing the heartbreaking threat of deportation. Portrayed by the talented Patrick Robinson, Anthony finds himself confronted with the harsh reality of a system that has failed him.Alongside Robinson, Nadine Marshall delivers a remarkable performance as Janet McKay-Williams, Anthonys resilient and supportive wife, who stands by his side in this challenging time. The dynamics between the couple are beautifully portrayed, showcasing their unwavering love and determination to fight for justice.Adding to the powerful narrative, Pippa Bennett Warner portrays Eileen, Patricks daughter, while CJ Beckford brilliantly plays her brother Gary. These two characters play an essential role in highlighting the impact of Anthonys ordeal on his immediate family, amplifying the emotional stakes and creating an even more profound connection to the audience.Corinne Skinner Carter brings another layer of depth to the story as Patricks sister, a character who struggles to come to terms with the injustice her family is facing. Through her powerful performance, viewers witness the devastating impact of systemic failures on not just one person but an entire familys livelihood.This thought-provoking drama not only sheds light on the Windrush Scandal but also forces us to reflect on the issues of immigration and bureaucracy. It showcases the resilience and strength of a family fighting against an unjust system that threatens to tear them apart. Expertly crafted and meticulously acted, this film delivers a captivating story that will keep you on the edge of your seat.In conclusion, this poignant drama offers an unflinching portrayal of a family caught in the web of injustice. It prompts important conversations about systemic failures that affect real peoples lives. With its exceptional performances and timely narrative, this film is sure to leave a lasting impact on its viewers.

  • 9.0分2022已完结


  • 7.4分2011已完结


  • 5.4分2020HD中字


  • 5.6分1990HD中字


  • 9.3分2022已完结


  • 5.0分2018HD中字


  • 9.1分2017HD中字


  • 9.0分2004HD中字


  • 7.6分1992已完结


  • 9.5分2022已完结


  • 9.0分2014已完结


  • 9.7分2021已完结



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