



Gangacharan, a newly arrived Brahmin in the village, takes on various responsibilities, including teaching, organizing religious affairs, and preventing epidemics. It is the year 1943 in India, a time of turmoil and frequent wars. Airplanes hover above the village, signaling the ongoing wars. The villagers, already disturbed by the conflicts, now face a disastrous scarcity of food due to the famine that strikes.Amidst this chaos, Gangacharan, leveraging his status as a monk, decides to use his privileges to advocate for the well-being of the villagers and help them survive the famine. As he embarks on this mission, he faces numerous challenges both from external factors and within himself. The scarcity of resources tests the moral boundaries of the villagers, as desperation pushes them to make tough choices.Gangacharans efforts to secure food for the villagers raise questions about the ethics of power and privilege. Along this journey, he encounters resistance from those who oppose his actions, criticizing him for using his position for personal gain. Despite the obstacles, Gangacharans determination remains unwavering, fueled by his commitment to serving the greater good.As the story unfolds, we witness the transformative power of compassion and the strength of community in the face of adversity. Gangacharans actions not only alleviate the immediate suffering of the villagers but also inspire a sense of hope and unity among them. Through his guidance, they learn to come together, supporting one another and finding resilience in the midst of despair.Overall, the film sheds light on the complexities of human nature and the challenges faced by society during times of crisis. It explores themes of power, morality, and the true meaning of community. With its compelling narrative, poignant performances, and thought-provoking subject matter, the film offers a profound reflection on the human condition and leaves audiences contemplating the impact of our actions in times of need.

  • 6.8分2023已完结


  • 5.8分2023已完结


  • 9.0分2016HD中字


  • 5.9分2020HD中字


  • 5.6分1994HD中字


  • 5.4分2020HD中字


  • 9.0分2012HD中字


  • 9.1分2020HD中字


  • 7.6分2018HD中字


  • 6.8分2017HD中字


  • 9.2分2020HD中字


  • 7.2分2019HD中字



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