



Georgy Fehér stands as another masterful director of the Hungarian Long Take School, alongside Bela Tarr. Unfortunately, his works are few and far between, making them difficult to come across. For those who appreciate truly profound films that tug at the heartstrings, "Szürkület" is a must-watch. This incredibly unique and gripping film showcases Fehérs mastery of visual storytelling. Loosely inspired by Friedrich Durrenmatts "Es geschah am hellichten Tag," the film takes storytelling to new heights. Set in a world where shadows consume the landscape, "Szürkület" delves into the darkest recesses of the human psyche. The film revolves around a small town haunted by a series of mysterious disappearances. As the tension escalates, Fehérs use of long takes and mesmerizing cinematography creates a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere.Without relying on unnecessary dialogue or exposition, Fehér keeps the audience on the edge of their seats as they piece together the fragmented narrative. Through his skilled direction, each frame becomes a work of art, evoking a range of emotions without uttering a single word. In "Szürkület," Fehér not only showcases his technical prowess as a director but also explores profound themes of existence and human morality. The film leaves the audience pondering their own place in the world and the choices that define them. Overall, "Szürkület" is a masterclass in cinema, where storytelling transcends the limitations of language. Fehérs enigmatic direction and the films haunting ambiance will resonate with viewers long after the credits have rolled. If you seek a transformative cinematic experience, "Szürkület" is a gem not to be missed.

  • 9.6分2010HD中字


  • 6.4分2011HD中字


  • 7.4分2014HD中字


  • 8.8分2003HD中字


  • 5.1分2017HD中字



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