



else. But when she meets the confident and free-spirited Isla (Ella-Rae Smith), AJs perspective starts to shift.As AJ begrudgingly navigates through the awkwardness and mundanity of family vacations, she finds solace and excitement in her newfound friendship with Isla. The two girls embark on a journey of self-discovery, rebellion, and unexpected love.Morrisons skillful storytelling captures the complexities of teenage angst and the search for identity with genuine poignancy. Nell Barlow delivers a captivating performance as the introverted and vulnerable AJ, expertly conveying her internal struggles and fractured self-esteem. Ella-Rae Smith shines as Isla, radiating confidence and charisma that is both captivating and intimidating."Sweetheart" is an honest portrayal of adolescence, exploring themes of friendship, self-acceptance, and the pressures imposed by societal norms. Morrisons direction beautifully balances comedic moments with heartfelt sincerity, creating a captivating and relatable story that resonates with audiences of all ages.This coming-of-age dramedy is a refreshing addition to the genre, offering a realistic and authentic portrayal of teenage experiences. While it may resonate deeply with those who have endured the trials and tribulations of adolescence, "Sweetheart" also serves as a poignant reminder to adults of the challenges and complexities faced by the younger generation.In conclusion, "Sweetheart" is a gem of a film that seamlessly blends humor and heartache, leaving audiences with a renewed appreciation for the beauty and struggles of youth. Marley Morrisons brilliant debut showcases her talent as a filmmaker to watch, and Nell Barlow and Ella-Rae Smith deliver standout performances that elevate the film to new heights. Dont miss this touching and relatable coming-of-age story.

  • 5.6分1974HD中字


  • 5.3分1976HD中字



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