



A whimsical ode to the ambitions and aspirations of the imaginative, LIVING IN OBLIVION is a cinematic marvel crafted by the visionary mind of Tom DiCillo. Balancing on the thin line between absurdity and wit, this film unfolds as a series of comical episodes, following an eclectic ensemble as they embark on the audacious quest to bring a low-budget independent film to life.Amidst the chaos, we find ourselves immersed in a realm akin to a Kafkaesque dreamscape intertwined with the exuberant spirit of the Marx Brothers. As egos clash and personalities collide, the filmmaking process becomes a playground for an array of eccentric characters, each with their own idiosyncrasies and aspirations. From the erratic director to the neurotic leading lady, from the inexperienced cinematographer to the beleaguered production team, their collective journey is replete with mishaps and laughter-inducing mishaps.Yet, beyond the hilarious chaos, DiCillo subtly explores the universal human desire for creative expression. He delves into the psyche of dreamers, exposing the fragile balance between ambition and frustration, between the joy of artistic pursuit and the harsh realities of limited resources and unforeseen setbacks. With each setback, we witness the characters unwavering determination and the resilient spirit that binds them together.LIVING IN OBLIVION is a testament to the power of camaraderie and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to dream. Anchored by DiCillos masterful storytelling and brought to life by a talented ensemble cast, this film charms its way into the hearts of viewers, leaving a lasting impact. Its witty dialogue, clever sight gags, and imaginative sequences seamlessly blend together, making for an unforgettable cinematic experience.In the end, LIVING IN OBLIVION delicately reminds us that the creative process is not without its challenges, but it is the relentless pursuit of a dream that truly defines us. It encourages us to embrace the imperfections and setbacks, finding solace in the shared journey of these vibrant characters. A true gem in the realm of independent cinema, this film leaves us with a smile on our faces and a renewed appreciation for the dreamers among us.

  • 5.3分2000HD中字


  • 9.8分1972HD中字


  • 9.0分2019HD中字


  • 9.7分2021HD中字


  • 7.9分2013HD中字


  • 7.3分2014HD中字


  • 8.0分2014已完结


  • 9.3分2012HD中字


  • 8.9分1992HD中字


  • 9.2分2015HD中字


  • 5.0分2016HD中字


  • 8.1分2018HD



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