



In the gripping thriller "12 Hour Shift," set in 1998, we are taken on a heart-pounding journey within the walls of an Arkansas Hospital. The story revolves around Angela Bettis character, a nurse struggling with addiction, whose life takes a dangerous turn during one fateful shift. Alongside her is Chloe Farnworth, her cunning cousin, as they become entangled in a perilous plot involving a group of underground organ-trafficking criminals played by Mick Foley, David Arquette, and Dusty Warren.As the clock ticks down, the tension ramps up, and the intricate heist unfolds, the lives of these characters become increasingly intertwined, leading them all down a treacherous path. The formidable combination of Angela Bettis vulnerable yet fiercely determined performance and Chloe Farnworths deceptive charm creates an intriguing dynamic between the two central protagonists. Meanwhile, Mick Foley, David Arquette, and Dusty Warren deliver compelling portrayals of the ruthless criminals, injecting a palpable sense of danger into every scene."12 Hour Shift" holds viewers captive as it explores the dark underbelly of the organ trade, delving into the moral complexities that arise from such desperate acts. The film skillfully balances elements of suspense, crime, and dark humor, creating a gripping narrative that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. Director Angela Bettis masterfully captures the gritty atmosphere of the hospital setting, heightening the sense of urgency and danger within its corridors.In addition to its gripping plot, "12 Hour Shift" serves as a thought-provoking reflection on the human condition, showcasing the lengths to which individuals will go when pushed to their limits. It delves into themes of addiction, familial loyalty, and the consequences of ones actions, offering a multi-layered viewing experience that resonates long after the credits roll.In conclusion, "12 Hour Shift" is an electrifying thriller that keeps viewers engaged from start to finish. With a talented ensemble cast, a suspenseful plot, and a thought-provoking exploration of moral dilemmas, this film offers an unforgettable viewing experience. Prepare yourself for a wild ride filled with unexpected twists and turns as you witness the intricate web of deception and danger that unfolds within the walls of the Arkansas Hospital.

  • 9.0分2016HD中字


  • 6.6分1992HD中字


  • 7.8分2021更新至TC版


  • 7.0分2021HD中字


  • 8.9分2022HD中字


  • 7.9分2023已完结


  • 7.4分1988HD中字


  • 6.5分2023已完结


  • 7.1分1990HD中字


  • 6.8分2023已完结


  • 6.7分2006已完结


  • 7.6分2022HD中字



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