



The story follows Sergio, a compulsive gambler struggling to overcome his addiction. Despite promising his partner that he has left his reckless habits behind, Sergio finds himself drawn back into the dangerous world of gambling when he receives a tip-off about a fixed football match. Determined to recoup his recent losses, he impulsively returns to his regular betting shop, fueled by a desperate desire to win.As Sergio immerses himself in the high-stakes world of gambling once again, his luck appears to be turning in his favor. The bets he places based on the inside information start paying off, and he begins to accumulate a substantial amount of money. Confidence begins to surge through Sergios veins, convincing him that this might be his chance at redemption and financial security.However, just as Sergio starts to believe he has regained control, he encounters Alejo, another compulsive gambler with a dark past. Unbeknownst to Sergio, Alejo has been closely watching his every move, eager to exploit him for his own gain. Alejo manipulates Sergio into a dangerous game of cat and mouse, using the football match as a backdrop for their ultimate showdown.As the match unfolds, Sergio finds himself torn between the temptation of securing his financial future and the wary realization that he is falling into the grips of his addiction once more. With his partners trust hanging in the balance and the consequences of his actions becoming increasingly dire, Sergio must confront his demons and make a decision that will define his fate.In this gripping tale of redemption and addiction, director John Smith skillfully delves into the harrowing journey of a man caught in the destructive cycle of gambling. The intense performances delivered by the cast breathe life into the complex characters, particularly Sergio, portrayed with raw vulnerability by lead actor. With its suspenseful twists and moral dilemmas, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, asking thought-provoking questions about the nature of addiction and the limits of human resilience. Smiths meticulous storytelling and striking cinematography make this a must-watch for both fans of gripping dramas and those interested in exploring the darker side of human nature.

  • 5.0分2019HD中字


  • 7.4分2006HD中字


  • 5.8分2003HD中字


  • 9.0分2020HD中字


  • 6.2分2003HD中字


  • 6.0分2022HD中字


  • 7.5分1996HD中字


  • 7.3分2018HD中字


  • 8.2分2021HD中字


  • 7.3分2019HD中字


  • 5.0分1983HD中字


  • 7.6分2021HD中字



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