









In a hidden social club located in the heart of North London, a diverse group of individuals, united by their destitution and unfulfilled dreams, concoct a series of ingenious plots with hopes of attaining wealth and liberating themselves from the endless gloom of their impoverished existence.Within the dimly lit confines of the Bezonians social club, these downtrodden souls engage in clandestine discussions, hatching intricate strategies to turn their fortunes around. Each member brings their unique set of skills and talents to the table, forming an unlikely alliance bound by desperation and ambition.Together, they delve into a world of intricate schemes and elaborate plans, their collective imagination kindling a flicker of hope amidst the monotony that haunts their everyday lives. From daring heists to high-stakes cons, their audacity and resourcefulness know no bounds. With each passing day, their dreams grow bolder, fueled by the promise of a better tomorrow.But as they navigate through the treacherous labyrinth of their own making, the boundaries between right and wrong begin to blur. The alluring siren call of wealth and power tugs at their morality, testing the resilience of their friendship. In this dog-eat-dog world, trust becomes a precious commodity, and betrayal lurks in the shadows, ready to strike at the heart of their aspirations.In this gripping tale of ambition and camaraderie, the characters are forced to confront their deepest desires and face the consequences of their actions. As their web of deceptions unravels, the Bezonians social club becomes a microcosm of society at large, where the pursuit of wealth can either uplift or condemn.In the end, as the dust settles and the harsh reality dawns upon them, the members of the social club are left to ponder the true cost of their dreams. Was the pursuit of fortune worth the sacrifices made along the way? And can one truly break free from the shackles of destitution, or are they destined to forever dwell in the shadows?A thought-provoking tale that explores the allure of wealth and the price one must pay to attain it, this film captivates with its intricate plot and compelling characters. With stellar performances and a palpable sense of urgency, it takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride through the tumultuous world of human ambition. It serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences that can arise when dreams are pursued without considering the moral implications. As the credits roll, one is left pondering the fragility and unpredictability of the human spirit, and the lengths individuals will go to in their quest for a better life.

  • 9.3分2002HD中字


  • 8.5分1995HD中字


  • 8.8分2005HD


  • 6.5分2014已完结


  • 6.8分2006HD中字


  • 5.7分2014HD中字


  • 5.8分1991HD中字


  • 6.5分2019HD中字


  • 7.3分2018HD中字


  • 9.0分2020已完结


  • 8.5分2022已完结


  • 9.2分1986HD中字



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